North-eastern polders

Where the Dollard estuary used to flow

A large part of Groningen used to be water or was flooded too often for it to be used properly. The solution of Groningen residents was to roll up their sleeves, reclaim the land and dyke it in. Take in the extensive horizon of the flat countryside during a bicycle ride through the north-eastern polders of Groningen.

  • Carel Coenraadpolder

No dyke, no land, no life

The soil in the Carel Coenraadpolder is particularly fertile and Groningen residents were extremely interested in using the area near the Dollard. Halfway along the dyke is a monument that reads: ‘Gain diek, gain laand, gain leev’n’ (No dyke, no land, no life). Your bicycle ride through the area takes in small working class cottages and giant farmhouses at regular intervals. The prosperity gap in this area was and is almost tangible here. There were once barracks with a turbulent history located where the Ambonezenbosje is now. Every few years they were given another function, and today this is a Tourist Transfer Point where various routes come together.