Through the veenkoloniën

This expedition takes in the special history of the Veenkoloniën (peat district), with its straight canals that cut right through the countryside, infinite ribbon villages with beautiful farms and rich industrial heritage.

Recreational 54.7 km

Sights on this route

Starting point: Borgercompagnie 4
9611 TB Sappemeer
Navigate to starting point
De Vosholen 60
9611 TD Sappemeer

Veenkoloniaal Museum

Museumplein 5
9641 AD Veendam
Veenkoloniaal Museum
Molenstreek 312314
9641 KX Veendam
Nijverheidskade 14
9648 JG Wildervank
Torenstraat 108
9648 CW Wildervank
J. Kammingastraat 103A
9648 KK Wildervank

Museum railway line STAR

Stationsstraat 3
9503 AD Stadskanaal
Museum railway line STAR
Feiko Clockstraat 31
9665 RD Oude Pekela
J.R. Stuutstraat 5
9663 SE Nieuwe Pekela
Nieuweweg 127
9649 AD Muntendam
End point: Borgercompagnie 4
9611 TB Sappemeer
Navigate to endpoint

Take a look

Not everyone immediately falls in love when they see the Veenkoloniën on their first visit to the region. This part of Groningen tends to draw a particular type of visitor. But if you give the Veenkoloniën some time, you are sure to become fond of it. For centuries, high moorland lay thick in this area. In the Middle Ages, people started cutting it for fuel: peat or turf. Later on, in the 19thcentury, the Veenkoloniën developed into the home of Groningen coastal trade and agribusiness. By then, turf huts had long become a thing of the past in this highly industrious area.



  • Marked: No
  • Type of Route: Recreation
  • Route characteristics: From A to A